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    Study Information

    Neurology and related branches of medicine are taught at the CU 1st Medical Faculty Department of Neurology to students of the Medical Faculty and other Charles University faculties working for master´s or bachelor´s degrees.

    Basic information on each of the subjects can be found on the Department´s web pages as can be the schedule of teaching which is also displayed on the students´ information table entry in the main building on the ground floor facing the lodge.

    Instruction is coordinated by:

    Prof. K. Šonka, M.D., DrSc

    Email ❯

    Any changes in block instruction terms are subject to approval by:

    Mr. Marek Nykl

    Email ❯

    • Neurology - 5th year: Assistant Prof. J. Klempíř, MD, Ph.D.

    • Clinical neurology - 6th year : Prof. E. Havrdová, MD, CSc.

    • English-based instruction (neurology - 4th and 6th years, programme Erasmus): Assistant Prof. D. Kemlink, MD, Ph.D.

    • Stomatology - 5th year: Assistant Prof. M. Týblová, MD

    • Ergotherapy: Assistant Prof. Martina Hoskovcová, MD

    • Physiotherapy: Assistant Prof. Martina Hoskovcová, MD

    • Neurology from A to Z: prof. K. Šonka, DrSc., MD

    • Sleep medicine: prof. K. Šonka, DrSc., MD

    • Neurosciences: Assoc. Prof. R. Jech, MD, Ph.D.

    Instruction is arranged organisation-wise and any queries are handled by:

    Mr. Marek Nykl

    Monday through Friday: 10.00 - 14.00 hrs

    Email ❯