Neurological examination - practical training, individual patient handling.
Auxiliary examination methods in neurology - principles, indications and basic results.
General neurology - basic neurological symptoms and syndromes, topical diagnosis.
Special neurology - clinical entities, diagnosis and differential diagnosis.
Acute states and acute care in neurology.
Essentials of medicamentous and rehabilitation therapy in individual neurological diseases. Indications for surgical treatment.
The four-week block of consists of seminars (daily from 8:00 to 9:30 am or 10:00 - 11:30 am in the clinic auditorium depending on the group) and internships in the department (daily from 10:00 to 12:15 pm or 12:15-14:45), according to the group allocation schedule).
Attendance at both seminars and internships is mandatory and monitored by electronic device using ISIC card, only valid within the first 20 min from start of the session. Absences of at 2 seminars, and 2 internships are allowed. Absences of longer duration will need to be made up by an internship during on-call hours on weekdays from 16:00 pm and also during weekends and national holidays, always with the attending physician. In the event of multiple absences, attendance may be replaced by an equivalent multi-hour stay on duty.
Students come to class and exams equipped with their neurological hammer, white coat and visible ISIC card. In inclement weather, please wear slippers. The changing rooms are located in both basements of the Neurology Clinic buildings (Kateřinská 30, or Viničná 9, Prague 2). Keys can be borrowed from the reception in exchange for a student ISIC card.
Practical training in the intensive care unit is an integral part of the clinic placements. In the event of an adverse epidemiological situation, it is mandatory for the students to use disposable protective equipment (drape, empire, shoe covers). Students are obliged to provide themselves with such equipment. There is a vending machine in the gatehouse of Kateřinská 30. The vending machine only accepts 2x 20Kč.
A foreign internship can be recognized if the internship took place at an university department that teaches neurology and is of at least the same duration as the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and is allocated by an equivalent number of credits. The student must pass the examination at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University regardless of whether it has been already passed it abroad. The terms will be during the both examination periods and under specific circumstance can be taken online.
The schedule of practicals may be adjusted according to the actual operation of the department, so it may take place at different times than it is set in the schedule in SIS.
Students will be informed of the change in teaching during the morning seminars directly at the department.
Conditions for the award of credit:
1) Attendance at at least 90% of lecture room seminars and internships (i.e. only 2 full-day absences).
2) Another requirement is a practical skills test by an assistant at the end of the second week. Students will draw 2 questions from the neurological examination. Each question will be graded separately (pass/fail). In the event of failure, the student will arrange an alternative examination date with his/her assistant. A maximum of 2 make-up dates are allowed.
3) The last condition is the completion of the computer-based test, , the passing score is 70%. Make-up dates will be announced in the examination period. Failure to meet 1 or more of these conditions will not be eligible for credit. Credit is a requirement for admission to the examination.
Credit is normally awarded on the last day of placements, with the latest possible date for award being the end of the academic year.
Examination: At the end of the block, there will be reserved terms only for students finishing the current course, typically on Friday and afternoons of the following Monday to Wednesday.
For students who do not take the exam at the end of the block, there are dates in the exam period both winter and summer (SIS).
The exam consists of 3 questions – Practical, General and Special. The exam is supposed to be taken in person. The Practical question is answered immediately, then there is time for preparation for the General and Special ones.
Screening neurological examination ❯
Neurological examination (Moodle) ❯
Questions - General neurology ❯
Questions - Special neurology ❯
Questions - Neurological examination - practical ❯
* supported by OPPA CZ.2.17/3.1.00/3327
Fundamentals of neurology : an illustrated guide, Mattle and Mumenthaler, 2017
Topical diagnosis in neurology, Baehr and Frotscher, 2012
Clinical Neurology Hankey and Wardlaw, 2002
Oxford Handbook of Neurology, Manji et al, 2006
Doc. MUDr. David Kemlink, Ph.D.
Marek Nykl
Monday through Friday : 10.00 - 14.00 hrs.