Questions for dentists

Neurologic questions for dentists

Neurological Syndromes

  1. Olfaction, taste, vision and their impairment

  2. Oculomotor innervation and its impairment

  3. Trigeminal nerve and its impairment

  4. Central and peripheral paresis of n. VII

  5. Impairment of IX.-XII cranial nerve, Bulbar and pseudobulbar syndrome

  6. Brainstem syndromes

  7. Speech and swallowing impairment

  8. Dementia, delirium, organic psychosyndrome

  9. Extrapyramidal syndromes

  10. Peripheral and central paresis

  11. Gait and Stance abnormalities

  12. Impairment of consciousness (differential diagnosis, short loss of consciousness)

  13. Impairment of the spinal cord, spinal roots, and cauda equina

  14. Meningeal syndrome

  15. Peripheral nerve, neuromuscular disc, and muscle disorders

  16. Intracranial hypertension syndrome

  17. Cerebellar, vestibular, and balance impairment

  18. Cerebral lobe syndromes

Neurological Diseases

  1. Alzheimer disease

  2. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

  3. Headache – primary and secondary, trigeminal neuralgia

  4. Epilepsy

  5. Cerebral hemorrhage

  6. Cerebral infarction

  7. Low back pain, radicular and pseudoradicular syndromes

  8. Myasthenia gravis

  9. Infections of the brain: Meningitis, encephalitis and myelitis, sbscess of the brain

  10. Parkinson’s disease and parkinsonian syndromes

  11. Polyradiculoneuritis, polyneuropathy

  12. Sleep disorders (bruxism, sleep apnea)

  13. Multiple sclerosis

  14. Subarachnoid hemorrhage

  15. Craniocerebral trauma - concussion and contusion of the brain

  16. Craniocerebral trauma - epidural and subdural hematoma

Poslední změna: 21. únor 2022 08:53 

Jednotka intenzivní péče - JIP

224 965 515

Dospělí (C)

224 965 574

Lůžkové oddělení muži

224 965 526

Lůžkové oddělení ženy

224 965 530

Cévní ambulance

224 965 563


Neurologická klinika (hlavní budova)

Kateřinská 30, Praha 2

MHD | autem

Neurologická klinika (lůžkové: ženy, muži)

Viničná 9, Praha 2

MHD | autem

Fakultní poliklinika (RS Centrum)

Karlovo náměstí 32, Praha 2

MHD | autem